SaSa Network

Together we amplify our voices. Sabah & Sarawak Superblog or simply, SASA. A syndicated network of blogs from Sabah and Sarawak, Malaysia. Because there are millions of blogs out there. We need SASA in order to be heard, and to be seen.
Sertai SASA untuk menjangkau lebih ramai pembaca blog anda.

SASA Welcomes YOU...

All Sabah and Sarawak bloggers regardless of your blogging preference, orientation and ideologies are the most welcome to join the ever expanding SASA Network. You see, SASA means SAbah & SArawak. Us, exactly.

A place name Malubang

*This post contains lots of pictures Have you ever heard of a place name Malubang before? The name was totally sounds alien to me when my cousin invited us to join them for a family trip to that place last Friday. Later I found out that Malubang is actually one of the villages located in Pitas District and very popular with the story of Kapal Nakhoda Supirak and the Telaga Air Tawar among the local peoples. With the very bad road condition, it’s...
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Kesesakan Di Pejabat Imigresen Miri Perlu Diberi Perhatian

Masalah kesesakan dan kesukaran mendapat Pasport di Jabatan Imigresen Miri MIRI - Ramai orang mengadu masalah untuk membuat pasport dan juga masalah mendapatkan pasport baru dan juga lain-lain hal yang berkaitan akibat kesesakan orang ramai yang sentiasa penuh hampir setiap hari di Jabatan Imigresen Miri.Walaupun untuk memproses pasport mengambil masa satu jam tetapi masalah yang dihadapi oleh orang ramai yang terpaksa berbaris panjang untuk...
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kota kinabalu map

view of mount kinabalu

mount kinabalu

kota kinabalu sabah

kuching map

kuching city, sarawak

harbour view kuching

sunset at kuching