SaSa Network

Together we amplify our voices. Sabah & Sarawak Superblog or simply, SASA. A syndicated network of blogs from Sabah and Sarawak, Malaysia. Because there are millions of blogs out there. We need SASA in order to be heard, and to be seen.
Sertai SASA untuk menjangkau lebih ramai pembaca blog anda.

SASA Welcomes YOU...

All Sabah and Sarawak bloggers regardless of your blogging preference, orientation and ideologies are the most welcome to join the ever expanding SASA Network. You see, SASA means SAbah & SArawak. Us, exactly.

Syabas .....persembahan terbaik...Sibu Base Jump 2015

From: SaSa General FE...
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HOW SIRUL BLACKMAILED NAJIB! – World Media Spotlight Now Moves To The Altantuya Case

Sarawak Report The gripping and closely documented report by the veteran Australian reporter Mary Ann Jolly contains allegations that the man who shot Altantuya was none other than her ex-lover Razak Baginda, a close aid of Najib Razak, who earlier this year alluded to “rogue cops” being engaged in a motiveless murder. Even more astonishing […] From: SaSa General FE...
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kota kinabalu map

view of mount kinabalu

mount kinabalu

kota kinabalu sabah

kuching map

kuching city, sarawak

harbour view kuching

sunset at kuching