SaSa Network

Together we amplify our voices. Sabah & Sarawak Superblog or simply, SASA. A syndicated network of blogs from Sabah and Sarawak, Malaysia. Because there are millions of blogs out there. We need SASA in order to be heard, and to be seen.
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SASA Welcomes YOU...

All Sabah and Sarawak bloggers regardless of your blogging preference, orientation and ideologies are the most welcome to join the ever expanding SASA Network. You see, SASA means SAbah & SArawak. Us, exactly.

A place name Malubang

*This post contains lots of pictures Have you ever heard of a place name Malubang before? The name was totally sounds alien to me when my cousin invited us to join them for a family trip to that place last Friday. Later I found out that Malubang is actually one of the villages located in Pitas District and very popular with the story of Kapal Nakhoda Supirak and the Telaga Air Tawar among the local peoples. With the very bad road condition, it’s...
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Kesesakan Di Pejabat Imigresen Miri Perlu Diberi Perhatian

Masalah kesesakan dan kesukaran mendapat Pasport di Jabatan Imigresen Miri MIRI - Ramai orang mengadu masalah untuk membuat pasport dan juga masalah mendapatkan pasport baru dan juga lain-lain hal yang berkaitan akibat kesesakan orang ramai yang sentiasa penuh hampir setiap hari di Jabatan Imigresen Miri.Walaupun untuk memproses pasport mengambil masa satu jam tetapi masalah yang dihadapi oleh orang ramai yang terpaksa berbaris panjang untuk...
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Highly likely so.It is truly a discouraging experience of using free domain services.I started out using free domain for quite a long time to host some websites of mine beside standard TLD. I think it was since 2005 with,, .co.TV, .TC, .tk and of, the socalled 'industry leader' of free domain provider.Of all the above, only .tk and remain in operation until now.And taking into consideration of my own experience...
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So It Is Entirely Up To Ayamas To Sue Sarawak Veterinery Dept, Not?

Sarawak Veterinary Department had declared that the substance of choramphenicol being found on their main product. The verdict has been issued, and the letter is circulating in the internet lightning fast. In just a week or so, the federal Ministry of Health, comes up with the a contradictory statement. No such substance to be found, the minister said.Whoa...I mean, imagine the huge damage it inflicted to the company's image. Source: SaSa General...
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Penang to hire Sarawak’s Sanmina-SCI staff

The Penang government is to send people to Kuching and other parts of Sarawak to hire those losing their jobs as a result of the closure of electronics manufacturer Sanmina-SCI at the Samajaya Industrial Free Zone in Kuching.More than 800 of the Sanmina employees have had their services terminated in the last few days following the company’s intention to close down by the end of next month.“I have contacted Penang Chief Minister Lim Guan Eng who told me that the state is short of manpower in the electronics industry and in the other fields as...
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Geothermal power plant costing RM419 mil being built at Apas Kiri, Tawau

31st October, 2012KOTA KINABALU: A geothermal power plant costing about RM419 million is being built by Tawau Green Energy Sdn Bhd (TGE) at Apas Kiri , Tawau.TGE Project Director Andrew Amaladoss said that 36MWe electrical generation is equivalent to 56 million tonnes of carbon equivalent eliminated annually; 13.5 trillion trees planted annually and 45 million cars off the roads annually.“The plant is expected to be completed in late 2014 and will be Malaysia’s first grid-connected geothermal plant,” he said.In 2008, Mineral and Geo-science Department...
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PERKASA Gesa Umat Islam Boikot Jacklyn Victor?

Khamis lalu, Perkasa menggesa umat Islam untuk memboikot artis Jacklin Victor atas dakwaan lirik lagu tersebut yang terselit dengan unsur Kristian telah menghina Islam dan menunjukkan 'tidak sensitif dan menghormati' kepada mereka yang bukan penganut agama Kristian. Serangan Perkasa menyusul serta menambah lebih tekanan dalam isu melibatkan agama menjelang Pilihan Raya Umum Ke-13 yang semakin dekat terutamanya selepas dua ahli Parlimen mendakwa...
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Wanita Malaysia Tertindas Secara Seksual?

Wanita Malaysia masih takut untuk lebih terbuka dengan seksualiti mereka, kadang-kadang terpaksa menyembunyikan fakta bahawa mereka mempunyai hubungan seks, kata Vivian Lee, yang sedang hangat akibat blog seks. Dalam kesombongan mendedahkan kehidupan seks beliau di blog Sumptuous Erotica, Lee mengaku bahawa telah dibesarkan oleh keluarga konservatif, tidak seperti kekasih beliau pelajar undang-undang Alvin Tan. “Mereka tidak mahu dilabelkan,...
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TERBARU!Semakan Keputusan Permohonan Pertukaran Guru Sesi Januari 2013

Tadi cek laman web egtukar, tarikh semakan telah berubah pula. Mula-mula 21 Oktober dah boleh cek kini 3 Nov pula. Kepada semua yang sedang berdebar tu, sabar ja ya. Adalah dimaklumkan bahawa atas sebab teknikal keputusan Pertukaran Guru Antara Negeri dan Bahagian Sesi Januari 2013 akan diumumkan pada 03 November 2012 . Untuk semakan bolehlah klik image di bawah 0 comment(s) Source: SaSa General FEED...
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Kalender / Takwin Persekolahan Tahun 2013

Sila ke link berikut untuk melihat Takwin Persekolahan Tahun 2013 Takwin Persekolahan 2013 Selamat merancang cuti anda. 0 comment(s) Source: SaSa General FEED...
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Fed govt has big plans for Sabah if BN given mandate again: PM

14 October 2012KUNDASANG — Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak said the Federal government has major plans for the people of Sabah if Barisan Nasional (BN) was given the mandate once again.PM IN SABAHIf given BN is given the mandate in the coming General Election (GE), the Federal and state government will work even harder to develop Sabah which has a vast potential.“I am happy to see the reception and support from the people of Sabah towards Barisan Nasional,” he said in his speech during a walkabout session in Kundasang town here.Najib was...
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SME Corp aims for 1,500 Micro SMEs in ‘Brand Transformer’ programme this year

October 12, 2012KUALA LUMPUR: SME Corp Malaysia (SME Corp) is aiming for the participation of 1,500 micro small and medium enterprises (SMEs) in its newly launched ‘Brand Transformer’ programme.The ‘Brand Transformer’ serves as the vehicle to demonstrate the benefits of using appropriate and attractive packaging, technology and materials by SMEs in the rural areas.Its chief executive officer Datuk Hafsah Hashim said the ‘Brand Transformer’ would go on a nationwide roadshow and was scheduled to undertake about 25 sessions annually with the first...
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“Baik, sekarang boleh mula menjawab”. Kalau di bilik yang saya awasi sebelum ini, murid-murid biasanya terus gelojoh membuka kertas soalan seperti takut segala ingatan yang mereka perap dalam otak mereka hilang, tetapi calon-calon di bilik 1 agak istimewa. Hanya sebilangan yang terus membuka kertas soalan, selebihnya mengambil sedikit masa – dalam 30 saat menutup mata. Berdoa. Saya terkesima seketika. Sebenarnya melihat orang berdoa bukanlah baru...
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Jadual Waktu PMR 2012

Sila ke link di bawah untuk menyemak Jadual Waktu Peperiksaan Penilaian Menengah Rendah PMR 2012 JADUAL WAKTU PMR 2012 Selamat Menduduki Peperiksaan kepada semua calon yang terlibat. Semoga kejayaan cemerlang milik anda 0 comment(s) Source: SaSa General FEED...
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Di Tangkap Kerana Curi Sawit Di Tanah Sendiri?

Puan Dariah Bte Bangusan (bertudung diatas)telah menduduki dan mengusaha tanahnya di Kg. Mampakad Darat dalam Daerah Pitas dan telah diceroboh oleh orang lain yang kemudiannya menanam Kelapa Sawit. Banyak laporan Polis telah dibuat oleh Puan Dariah tetapi tidak diendahkan. Puan Dariah kemudian telah 'sengaja menombak' buah kelapa sawit tersebut (Lebiih kurang 100 Kg) dan diletakkan di kawasan halaman rumahnya atas tujuan supaya pihak penceroboh...
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Budget 2013 Highlights

September 29, 2012KUALA LUMPUR: Following are the highlights of the 2013 Budget tabled by Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak, who is also Finance Minister, at the Dewan Rakyat today.The Budget 2013 themed “Prospering The Nation, Enhancing Well-Being of the Rakyat: A Promise Fulfilled”. -Economic growth projected to expand 4.5 per cent to 5.5 per cent.-Nominal GDP expected to surpass RM1 trillion.-Federal Government’s revenue in 2013 is...
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Cuti-cuti sempena Hari Malaysia tempohari diteruskan dengan kami sekeluarga tidur bermalam di Inap Desa Aslam di Kg Shabandar Tuaran. ‘Inap Desa’ adalah nama lain bagi ‘homestay’ di dalam bahasa Melayu. Ia milik dan usaha sama sahabat kami Tuan Haji Abu Aslam dan beberapa sahabat lain yang berkongsi saham. Tanah seluas 3-4 ekar ini sebelum beliau [...]Source: Sabah Blog...
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USD15 Billion! – Taib Is The Richest Man In Malaysia

Thief Minister! Taib’s abuse of his position in Sarawak over more than three decades has led to him becoming Malaysia’s richest individual, says BMF. He is the man who cashed-in an entire jungle...[[ This is a content summary only. Visit my website for full links, other content, and more! ]] via SaSaSuperBlog
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9 September, kami sekeluarga hanya keluar berhari raya di Rumah Anak Yatim as-Sakinah di Taman Pantai Lok Kawi, Kinarut. Ini catatan ketiga tentang RAY as-Sakinah di blog ini. Alhamdulillah, menurut beberapa orang kuat pengusaha dan penyantun anak yatim di sini, sambutan kehadiran tetamu yang datang bersilih ganti melonjak lebih dua kali ganda. Sehingga kami datang, [...]via SaSaSuperBlog
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Prince William and Kate to arrive in Sabah on Friday

KOTA KINABALU: All eyes are now focused on tomorrow’s historical visit by British royal couple, the Duke and [...]via SaSaSuperBlog
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Isu Tarian Sumazau: Pakatan Tiada Kaitan Dengan Blog 'Suara Pakatan Rakyat’

Pakatan Rakyat (PR) hari ini menafikan blog milik gabungan PKR, PAS dan DAP itu dalam sebuah kenyataan yang dikirim kepada The Malaysian Insider sebentar tadi.Dalam sebuah kenyataan — yang ditandatangani oleh ketua penerangan PAS Datuk Tuan Ibrahim Tuan Man, setiausaha publisiti DAP Tony Pua dan pengarah komunikasi PKR Nik Nazmi Nik Ahmad.PR mendakwa mereka tiada kaitan apa pun dengan pengendali blog tersebut, dan...
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kota kinabalu map

view of mount kinabalu

mount kinabalu

kota kinabalu sabah

kuching map

kuching city, sarawak

harbour view kuching

sunset at kuching