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Geothermal power plant costing RM419 mil being built at Apas Kiri, Tawau

31st October, 2012

KOTA KINABALU: A geothermal power plant costing about RM419 million is being built by Tawau Green Energy Sdn Bhd (TGE) at Apas Kiri , Tawau.

TGE Project Director Andrew Amaladoss said that 36MWe electrical generation is equivalent to 56 million tonnes of carbon equivalent eliminated annually; 13.5 trillion trees planted annually and 45 million cars off the roads annually.

“The plant is expected to be completed in late 2014 and will be Malaysia’s first grid-connected geothermal plant,” he said.

In 2008, Mineral and Geo-science Department (GMJ) commissioned Universiti Sains Malaysia and University of Indonesia to undertake magneto telluric and Time Domain Electromagnetic study of Apas Kiri Geothermal prospect.

Besides, the proposed geothermal power plant project is sited on the Sabah Parks and Sabah Forestry Department land.

The project will be funded by the local financial institutions and has qualified to receive a grant from the Private-Public Partnership Unit of the Prime Ministers Department for access road and water treatment plant.

He said the project has received support from the Federal government, Sabah government and Sabah Electricity Sdn Bhd (SESB).

According to Andrew, the power plant will be connected from the SESB grid to the new Andrassy 132kV/33kV Main Intake Substation, 132kV interconnection, Tawau Main Intake Substation and Kalumpang Main Intake Substation.

He also mentioned that a few of the projects milestone is Renewable Energy Power Purchase Agreement (REPPA) with Sabah Electricity Sdn Bhd (SESB) signed on 29th November 2011 and Land Lease Agreement with Sabah Parks for 50 year lease signed on 17th August 2012.

Furthermore, a Facilitation Fund Agreement for grant of RM35 million to cover cost of access road signed with the government of Malaysia and Bank Pembangunan Malaysia on 25th May 2012.

In addition, Andrew said that to enable access to the project site and transport drilling rig, plant and equipments, an access road of approximately 18km in length, including 3 bridges, need to be constructed.

“60 per cent of the 18km stretch has been opened already and expected to be completed in two months’ time,” he said.

Earlier in the seminar, senior geologist of TGE Armando, Alma Licup, briefly explained on how geothermal energy works to generate electricity power for homes and businesses.

According to Armando, the natural heat from the earth creates a geothermal resource. He said the geothermal superheated fluid into steam through the production well and uses to drive a turbine and generate electricity.

“All remaining geothermal fluids are injected back into the underground reservoir for reuse. Magma will naturally reheat the fluid so it can be used again,” he said.

Geothermal power plant is a form of renewable green energy, which does not require any fuel burning or combustion to produce heat or electricity. It emits little carbon dioxide, no nitrogen dioxide and very low amounts of sulphur dioxide.

He said, the advantages of using geothermal power is it provides clean energy, renewable and sustainable, easy on the land and conserves fossil fuels and contributes to biodiversity in energy resources.

“Geothermal power plants run 24 hours a day throughout the year and also provides power to remote areas and avoid the use of fossil fuel and most of all, it benefits the local economy.

“This process has no smoky emissions as they emit water vapour,” he said.

Armando also noted that the geothermal power plants are producing over 9,200 megawatts of electricity to 21 countries and supply to 60 million people.

Other uses of geothermal are for agriculture, industrial, aquaculture, buildings, factories and tourism industries.

Other speakers who delivered the talk were the senior geophysicist of TGE, Susianto Mandagi and the General Manager of Regional Execution Centre Asia for Alstom Renewable Power, Etienne Palasti

(Source: New Sabah Times)

Source: Sabah Blog
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PERKASA Gesa Umat Islam Boikot Jacklyn Victor?

Khamis lalu, Perkasa menggesa umat Islam untuk memboikot artis Jacklin Victor atas dakwaan lirik lagu tersebut yang terselit dengan unsur Kristian telah menghina Islam dan menunjukkan 'tidak sensitif dan menghormati' kepada mereka yang bukan penganut agama Kristian.

Serangan Perkasa menyusul serta menambah lebih tekanan dalam isu melibatkan agama menjelang Pilihan Raya Umum Ke-13 yang semakin dekat terutamanya selepas dua ahli Parlimen mendakwa terdapat satu plot untuk menukar Malaysia kepada sebuah negara Kristian.

Jaclyn pada minggu lepas berkata lagu 'Harapan Bangsa' bukan untuk tujuan komersial dengan mendakwa ia telahpun direkodkan bertahun-tahun lalu.

“Saya mencatat lagu yang sekitar 2007 khas bagi orang-orang Kristian di Sabah dan Sarawak dan untuk gereja-gereja. Ia telah digubah oleh seorang paderi dengan tujuan keamanan Malaysia.

"Sebagai seorang Kristian, saya tidak fikir ia menjadi kesalahan jika saya sebagai seorang Kristian menyanyikan lagu tersebut,” katanya kepada Berita Harian Khamis lepas.

“Saya sedar, mungkin kerana lagu itu dinyanyikan dalam bahasa Melayu, ia menyebabkan orang ramai melihat ini sebagai tidak sensitif dan berfikir bahawa saya cuba untuk menyebarkan ajaran Kristian.

“Saya nyanyikannya dalam bahasa Melayu kerana ramai Kristian di Sabah dan Sarawak bertutur dalam bahasa Melayu.”

Berikutan serangan terhadap Jaclyn oleh PERKASA ke atas lagu berusia lima tahun tersebut, agensi kerajaan Jabatan Kemajuan Islam Malaysia (JAKIM) dan Kementerian Penerangan, Komunikasi dan Kebudayaan mengeluarkan kenyataan bahawa mereka akan menyiasat lirik lagu terbabit.

Timbalan Menteri Pelajaran, Dr Puad Zarkashi pada minggu lepas dilaporkan berkata bahawa kementerian maklumat dan kementerian dalam negeri perlu merujuk lagu tersebut dengan JAKIM bagi memutuskan jika ia 'benar-benar menyentuh isu iman (akidah)'.

Sumber: Agensi

Source: Sabah Blog
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Wanita Malaysia Tertindas Secara Seksual?

Wanita Malaysia masih takut untuk lebih terbuka dengan seksualiti mereka, kadang-kadang terpaksa menyembunyikan fakta bahawa mereka mempunyai hubungan seks, kata Vivian Lee, yang sedang hangat akibat blog seks.

Dalam kesombongan mendedahkan kehidupan seks beliau di blog Sumptuous Erotica, Lee mengaku bahawa telah dibesarkan oleh keluarga konservatif, tidak seperti kekasih beliau pelajar undang-undang Alvin Tan.

“Mereka tidak mahu dilabelkan, dan dianggap sebagai perempuan murahan,” gadis berusia 23 tahun itu memberitahu The Malaysian Insider. “Tiada apa yang salah dengan seks.”

“Saya telah sentiasa menjadi berbeza,” anak kelahiran Johor Bahru itu berkata. “Keluarga saya tidak faham saya,”

  • Beliau juga menegaskan bahawa walaupun perhatian luas diterima oleh keluarga beliau, ibunya tidak pernah menyuruh untuk memutuskan hubungan dengan Tan yang berusia 24 tahun seperti yang dilaporkan dalam akhbar sesetengah akhbar Cina. “Ia tidak benar, ibu saya tidak mengatakan begitu,” jelasnya.

  • Posting tersebut telah pun dipadam oleh pasangan berkenaan, meninggalkan hanya halaman diarkibkan dengan posting sebelumnya sejak dari bulan 20 September sehingga 15 Oktober, akan tetapi gambar-gambar dan video dari blog itu telah pun diedarkan oleh laman “Gutter Uncensored”.

  • Graduan pemasaran dari Universiti Multimedia Malaysia (MMU) di Melaka, bingung dengan perhatian yang mereka terima dari blog tersebut. Lee mennyahaktifkan profil Facebook beliau selepas menerima permintaan kawan yang terlalu banyak, dan kini ia kini kembali, bersama-sama dengan Tan yang tidak pernah diturunkan.

  • Lee mendedahkan bahawa mereka mula-mula berkenalan melalui Facebook, “Dia seorang lelaki yang menarik. Beliau bijak, lucu, dan pintar.”

Pasangan itu kemudian mula menyiarkan gambar bogel ditapis pada profil Tan di rangkaian sosial, tetapi memutuskan untuk mengambil satu forum awam disebabkan oleh peraturan sekatan kandungan di Facebook.

Sekadar gambar Illustrasi

Menurut Lee, beliau langsung tidak teragak-agak apabila Tan mencadangkan untuk membuka blog seks mereka, dan tidak lama selepas itu mereka telah mendapat capaian yang tinggi, kebanyakannya dari Amerika Syarikat dan di luar negara.

  • Dalam blog seks tersebut, Lee dan Tan berkongsi gambar-gambar dan video seksual yang menggambarkan perbuatan pasangan tersebut dalam pelbagai aksi telanjang dan melakukan seks, semua dirakam di pelbagai tempat di Malaysia. Imej-imej berbeza daripada potret artistik pasangan, untuk merakam dengan lebih dekat kemaluan mereka.

  • “Kami mengambil gambar antara satu sama lain,” kata Lee.

  • Tiga video dikongsi di blog Sumptuous Erotica termasuk apa yang telah diterangkan sebagai “video lucah pertama” mereka. Menurut pasangan tersebut video enam minit itu telah “ditrakam dan disunting dalam masa sejam dan disunting berdasarkan tema menarik.”

  • Video menggambarkan pasangan dalam situasi fantasi rogol, di mana Lee “diserang” di atas katilnya oleh penceroboh. “Ia adalah idea Alvin, dia fikir ia adalah berbeza dari semua lucah video lain.”

  • Ketika ditanya jika video mempromosikan aksi rogol yang dilihat menghina golongan wanita, Lee menjawab, “Saya tidak menyokong atau menggalakkan rogol, video itu tidak bermaksud untuk dilihat dengan begitu serius.”

  • “Fantasi rogol kami adalah perkara yang dipersetujui ... saya tidak merasa dihina, kerana kita hanya berlakon. Ia adalah sama seperti mana-mana pelakon lain dalam drama TV,” tambah beliau dengan mengatakan bahawa mangsa rogol tidak perlu takut melaporkan penyerang supaya mereka akan menerima hukuman.

Satu lagi video yang diambil dari perspektif Tan, menunjukkan Lee melakukan seks oral ke atas pasagannya. Video ketiga ialah pandangan orang ketiga melihat pasangan melakukan “seks panas di Kuala Lumpur” selama lapan minit.

Walaupun banyak komen-komen negatif kepada penampilan beliau, Lee berkata, dia selesa dengan tubuhnya, seperti Tan.

“Saya tidak berasa tidak selamat tentang diri saya,” katanya, apabila ditanya tentang bagaimana dia mendapat keyakinan beliau. “Ia adalah satu perkara yang semula jadi.”

Walaupun blog telah dibawa turun, Lee menyangka bahawa episod tersebut mungkin memberi inspirasi kepada lebih ramai rakyat Malaysia untuk lebih terbuka dengan kehidupan seksualiti mereka.

“Jadilah diri sendiri,” beliau menasihatkan wanita Malaysia lain yang aktif secara seksual.

Lee kini sedang mencari pekerjaan sepadan dengan minat beliau dalam reka bentuk dan seni, manakala jurucakap NUS telah mengesahkan semalam bahawa Tan akan disiasat oleh Lembaga Disiplin Universiti (BOD).

Sumber: The Malaysian Insider

Source: Sabah Blog
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TERBARU!Semakan Keputusan Permohonan Pertukaran Guru Sesi Januari 2013

Tadi cek laman web egtukar, tarikh semakan telah berubah pula. Mula-mula 21 Oktober dah boleh cek kini 3 Nov pula. Kepada semua yang sedang berdebar tu, sabar ja ya. :)

Adalah dimaklumkan bahawa atas sebab teknikal keputusan Pertukaran Guru Antara Negeri dan Bahagian Sesi Januari 2013 akan diumumkan pada 03 November 2012 .

Untuk semakan bolehlah klik image di bawah

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Source: SaSa General FEED
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Kalender / Takwin Persekolahan Tahun 2013

Sila ke link berikut untuk melihat Takwin Persekolahan Tahun 2013

Takwin Persekolahan 2013

Selamat merancang cuti anda. :)

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Source: SaSa General FEED
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Fed govt has big plans for Sabah if BN given mandate again: PM

14 October 2012

KUNDASANG — Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak said the Federal government has major plans for the people of Sabah if Barisan Nasional (BN) was given the mandate once again.


If given BN is given the mandate in the coming General Election (GE), the Federal and state government will work even harder to develop Sabah which has a vast potential.

“I am happy to see the reception and support from the people of Sabah towards Barisan Nasional,” he said in his speech during a walkabout session in Kundasang town here.

Najib was accompanied by Sabah Chief Minister Datuk Seri Musa Aman, Deputy Chief Minister Tan Sri Joseph Pairin Kitingan and state Tourism, Culture and Environment Minister Datuk Masidi Manjun.

The Prime Minister who is also the BN chairman urged the people of Sabah to continue their support for BN to ensure continuity in the development of Sabah.

In the last election (2008), BN Sabah almost made a clean sweep of all the 25 Parliament and 60 state assembly seats.

The only seats that fell to the opposition, namely DAP, were the Kota Kinabalu Parliamentary seat and Sri Tanjung (Tawau) state assembly seat.

Speaking of his visit to Kundasang, Najib described the serenity of Kundasang, situated at the foot of Mount Kinabalu, as God’s blessing and gift to nature and environment.

“Kundasang is a blessed place and a gift from nature. Plant any type of crop and it grows well. There is a delectable and refreshing choice of fresh greens and exotic fruits which grow here and farmers can earn a good income if they put in extra effort,” he said.

People from all walks of life from Kundasang and its surrounding areas like Ranau, made a bee-line to meet the Prime Minister in person, clamouring over each other to shake his hands.

Wasli Kandung, 74, a farmer from Kampong Cinta Mata said he was happy to have met a leader whom he had adored.

“I have never met a Prime Minister in person all these years. I have only seen them on television. All our Prime Minister’s were good but Najib is special because he likes to go down and help the people, not just make empty promises,” he said.

“I hope he will continue to rule the country until he is 70.”

Sagin Belinsai, 72, from Kampong Kouluan near here said he got up at 5.30am to make sure he would not miss an opportunity to see the Prime Minister in person.

Malaysia is fortunate to have a Prime Minister who has the peoples’ welfare and interest at heart and who always went down to the ground to meet the people, said Sagin.

Meanwhile, at 7am this morning, Najib was at the Mount Kinabalu Park here to flag off participants of the 26th Mount Kinabalu International Climbathon.

About 700 participants from 28 countries took part in the climbathon that featured the men’s and women’s open category plus the men’s and women’s veteran categories. — BERNAMA

(Source: New Straits Times)

Source: Sabah Blog
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SME Corp aims for 1,500 Micro SMEs in ‘Brand Transformer’ programme this year

October 12, 2012

KUALA LUMPUR: SME Corp Malaysia (SME Corp) is aiming for the participation of 1,500 micro small and medium enterprises (SMEs) in its newly launched ‘Brand Transformer’ programme.

The ‘Brand Transformer’ serves as the vehicle to demonstrate the benefits of using appropriate and attractive packaging, technology and materials by SMEs in the rural areas.

Its chief executive officer Datuk Hafsah Hashim said the ‘Brand Transformer’ would go on a nationwide roadshow and was scheduled to undertake about 25 sessions annually with the first next week in Selangor.

“The programme would be run by us and our partners, such as the Intellectual Property Corporation of Malaysia, SIRIM, the Design Development Centre and others.

“On this roadshow, we will also hold a workshop for SMEs in the rural areas on the importance of quality packaging and certifications for their products,” she told reporters after the launch of the ‘Brand Transformer’programme at the Malaysian Brand Forum 2012 here yesterday.

The event was launched by the Raja Muda of Perak, Raja Dr Nazrin Shah.

Meanwhile, International Trade and Industry Deputy Minister Datuk Mukhriz Mahathir said the ‘Brand Transformer’ programme would expose SMEs to the various types of designs and packagings for their products.

“Hopefully, this will encourage them to improve and enhance their packaging quality,” he added.

He said the establishment of the ‘Brand Transformer’ programme was very much in line with the government’s SME Masterplan 2012-2020, recently launched by the Prime Minister, Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak.

“I believe, the “Brand Transformer” fulfills one of six high-impact programmes in the SME Masterplan, namely, ‘Inclusive Innovation’, that is to promote the transformation of communities including microenterprises in the rural areas,” he added.

At the same event, Raja Nazrin presented certificates and trophies to 24 companies from the National Mark of Malaysia Brands (NMMB). The NMMB is a trust mark, a symbol of excellence, quality and distinction for Malaysian products and services, which in turn gives assurance and confidence to the general public subscribing to it.

(Source: The Borneo Post)

Source: Sabah Blog
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“Baik, sekarang boleh mula menjawab”.

Kalau di bilik yang saya awasi sebelum ini, murid-murid biasanya terus gelojoh membuka kertas soalan seperti takut segala ingatan yang mereka perap dalam otak mereka hilang, tetapi calon-calon di bilik 1 agak istimewa. Hanya sebilangan yang terus membuka kertas soalan, selebihnya mengambil sedikit masa – dalam 30 saat menutup mata. Berdoa. Saya terkesima seketika.

Sebenarnya melihat orang berdoa bukanlah baru bagi saya. Setiap hari saya melihat orang berdoa. Tetapi entah kenapa kejadian petang tadi, ketika mengawasi bilik 1 meresap jauh dalam hati saya. (Mungkin saya dalam beberapa bulan ini begitu dekat dengan doa untuk sesuatu yang saya inginkan) Situasi tadi sesuatu yang agak indah dipandang. Betapa mereka menginsafi diri mereka, walau sebijak manapun mereka, walau segunung usaha mereka untuk menghadapi peperiksaan tetapi mereka tidak lupa sama sekali bahawa rezeki untuk mendapat keputusan yang cemerlang adalah terletak di tangan Allah.

Begitulah juga dalam kehidupan seharian kita. Kita harus berusaha gigih untuk mencapai setiap keinginan dalam hidup namun demikian kita juga sering diingatkan agar tidak lupa berdoa. Berdoa agar dipermudahkan jalan untuk mencapai segala yang dihajati. Berdoa agar diberikan apa yang diinginkan.

Jadi untuk semua yang kamu inginkan dalam hidup, usahakan lah sedaya upaya dan JANGAN lupa berdoa kepada Allah. Ianya tidak berat, tidak payah. Amat mudah dan PERCUMA! Cuma harus diiringi oleh rasa Yakin dan Percaya.

Berusahalah, yang selebihnya serahkan kepada Allah.

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Source: SaSa General FEED
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Jadual Waktu PMR 2012

Sila ke link di bawah untuk menyemak Jadual Waktu Peperiksaan Penilaian Menengah Rendah PMR 2012


Selamat Menduduki Peperiksaan kepada semua calon yang terlibat.

Semoga kejayaan cemerlang milik anda

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Source: SaSa General FEED
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Di Tangkap Kerana Curi Sawit Di Tanah Sendiri?

Puan Dariah Bte Bangusan (bertudung diatas)telah menduduki dan mengusaha tanahnya di Kg. Mampakad Darat dalam Daerah Pitas dan telah diceroboh oleh orang lain yang kemudiannya menanam Kelapa Sawit. Banyak laporan Polis telah dibuat oleh Puan Dariah tetapi tidak diendahkan.

Puan Dariah kemudian telah 'sengaja menombak' buah kelapa sawit tersebut (Lebiih kurang 100 Kg) dan diletakkan di kawasan halaman rumahnya atas tujuan supaya pihak penceroboh datang untuk berunding.

Disebaliknya, Puan Dariah kemudian ditangkap oleh Pegawai Polis Daerah Kota Marudu dan seterusnya didakwa atas Seksyen 379. Pada kali pertama pertuduhan dibacakan kepadanya, beliau tidak mengaku bersalah. Selepas itu, kerana desakan dan pujuk rayu oleh pihak Polis, beliau kemudianya telah membuat pengakuan bersalah.

Hakim Mahkamah Tinggi telah membuat keputusan berdasarkan kesaksian/Nota Prosiding (NoP) di Mahkamah Magistret di mana Puan Dariah "telah mengaku bersalah dan minta hukuman diringankan". Wal hal sebenarnya, menurut Puan Dariah dia telah dipaksa dan diugut oleh pihak Polis supaya membuat pengakuan bersalah).

Walau macammana pun, Puan Dariah telah memfailkan Rayuannya melalui Peguam Datuk Kong Hong Ming (Gambar atas). Kes Tanah Adat (NCR) Puan Dariah akan diteruskan.

Sumber: SabahKini

Source: Sabah Blog
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Budget 2013 Highlights

September 29, 2012

KUALA LUMPUR: Following are the highlights of the 2013 Budget tabled by Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak, who is also Finance Minister, at the Dewan Rakyat today.

The Budget 2013 themed “Prospering The Nation, Enhancing Well-Being of the Rakyat: A Promise Fulfilled”.

-Economic growth projected to expand 4.5 per cent to 5.5 per cent.

-Nominal GDP expected to surpass RM1 trillion.

-Federal Government’s revenue in 2013 is estimated to increase to RM208.6 billion.

-Pivate sector investment is to increase to RM148.4 billion.

-RM251.6 billion allocated for the implementation of development projects, programmes and measures, with focus on the well-being of the rakyat and national development.

-RM201.9 billion is for Operating Expenditure while RM49.7 billion for Development Expenditure.

-RM58.6 billion allocated for Emoluments dan RM33.7 billion for Supplies and Services.

-RM3 billion to implement Entry Point Projects

-RM1 billion for Domestic Investment Strategic Fund under Malaysian Investment Development Authority to leverage on outsourcing opportunities and intensify technology acquisition by Malaysia-owned companies

-RM1 billion SME Development Fund under SME Bank

-SME Bank and Islamic Development Bank (IDB) to provide RM200 million to Halal Industry Fund to finance working capital of participating SMEs

-RM16 million a year group insurance scheme for registered hawkers and small businesses for coverage of up to RM5,000

-Perbadanan Nasional Bhd to provide soft loans of up to RM25,000 for licensees and RM500,000 for licensors under Business In Transformation programme

-Investment Tax Allowance of 100 per cent for a period of 10 years for qualified companies involved in refinery activities on petroleum products

-Global Incentive for Trading (GIFT) programme is enhanced with 100 per cent income tax exemption on statutory income for first three years of operation

- Expenses for issuance of AgroSukuk given double deduction for a period of four years from year of assessment 2012 to 2015

-DanaInfra Nasional Bhd to issue retail bonds worth RM300 million by end-2012 to finance MERT development projects

-RM30 billion allocated to the economic sector for infrastructure, industrial, agriculture and rural development.

-RM11.1 billion allocated to the social sector including education and training, health welfare, housing and community development.

-RM4.6 billion allocated for the development of the Security Sector, RM2 billion General Administration and RM2 billion for Contigencies.

-The Government will continue to accelerate the implementation of the 12 National Key Economic Areas (NKEAs).

-RM3 billion allocated for the implementation of Entry Points Projects (EPPs), including RM1.5 billion for agriculture projects such as oil palm, rubber, high-value herbs and paddy.

-Additional expenses incurred in issuance of retail bonds and retail sukuk to be given double deduction for a period of four years from year of assessment 2012 to 2015

-Individual investors given stamp duty exemption on instruments relating to transactions of retail bonds and retail sukuk

-Securities Commission to introduce Graduate Representative Programme in collaboration with private sector to train 1,000 graduates to meet needs of securities and derivatives industry

-Danajamin Nasional Bhd to get additional RM400 million for next two years, to multiply issuance value between RM4 billion and RM6 billion

-RM100 million to be provided to Capital Market Foundation through Capital Market Development Fund under the Securities Commission

-RM500 million allocated for the River of Life project for the beautification of the Klang River, RM300 million is provided for replacement of water pipelines and sewage to improve water supply and sewage system.

-The Government allocated RM358 million to intensify tourism industry in conjunction with Visit Malaysia Year 2013/2014.

-Income tax exemption be extended for three years for tour operators who bring in at least 750 foreign tourists or handle 1,500 local tourists a year.

-The Government continues to give priority to the agriculture sector to enhance the national income and ensure food security. For this, a sum of RM5.8 bilion is allocated to the Ministry of Agriculture and Agro-Based Industry.

-RM30 million allocated for agricultural development programmes, including high-technology applications in fruit and vegetable production, increase the supply of high-quality seedlings, price stabilisation through direct selling from farms, establishment of fish markets for the rakyat as well as improving agricultural training institutions.

-Income tax exemption for 10 years for Tun Razak Exchange-status companies, stamp duty exemption, industrial building allowance and accelerated capital allowance for TRX Marquee-stataus companies, and tax exemption for property developers.

-Malaysian Wakaf Foundation, under Department of Awqaf, Zakat and Hajj, to formulate Corporate Wakaf master plan, taking into consideration State Islamic Religious Council legislative structure

-RM9 billion or 43 per cent of total infrastructure cost of MRT project allocated to Bumiputera companies

-SME Bank to provide RM1 billion to Bumiputera Financing Fund to assist local SMEs to finance acquisition of subsidiaries of Government-Linked Companies engaged in non-core activities

-Working Capital Guarantee Scheme for SMEs to be extended until December 2013 and to High-Performing Bumiiputera (TERAS) companies, and companies’ shareholders fund eligibility is raised to RM20 million

-Allocation of RM75 million to increase the output of food and health products.

-For the plantation sector, RM432 million is allocated under the NKEA for oil palm replanting programmes.

-RM127 million is allocated for the development of high-value oleo derivatives to transform the downstream industry towards higher production of derivatives.

-Four new paddy granaries will be developed and expanded in Kota Belud, Batang Lupar, Rompin and Pekan. With an expanditure of RM140 million, the four new paddy granaries with acreage of 19,000 hectares and involving 12,237 farmers are expected to produce 104,000 tonnes.

-RM230 million to be provided as incentive for fish landing as well as payment for living allowances for the fishermen. Currently, the Government provides a living allowance of RM200 per month, an incentive ranging from 10 to 20 sen per kilogramme and the introduction of Fishermen Insurance Scheme.


(Source: The BOrneo Post)

Source: Sabah Blog
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kota kinabalu map

view of mount kinabalu

mount kinabalu

kota kinabalu sabah

kuching map

kuching city, sarawak

harbour view kuching

sunset at kuching